Gardens of Time Wiki
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Ch. 394 - Greek Lovers

Chapter: 394
Scene: 1
Title: Riding In The Wilderness Time Loop
Rep. to open: 462,400,000
Experience Points (XP) per scene: 30,512,606


Chapter: 394
Scene: 2
Title: Realm of Beautiful Flowers
Rep. to open: 462,700,000
Experience Points (XP) per scene: 30,221,550


Chapter: 394
Scene: 3
Title: Steps to Olympus Paradox
Rep. to open: 463,000,000
Experience Points (XP) per scene: 30,499,002


Chapter: 394
Scene: 4
Title: Fountain of Youth Time Warp
Rep. to open: 463,300,000
Experience Points (XP) per scene: 30,795,661


Chapter: 394
Scene: 5
Title: Message on Apple
Rep. to open: 463,600,000
Experience Points (XP) per scene: 31,078,419


Chapter: 394
Scene: 6
Title: Romantic Afternoon
Rep. to open: 30
Experience Points (XP) per scene: 31,078,419


ItemArt546 - Heavenly Flowers
ItemBui495 - Forgotten Warrior
ItemDec622 - Secret Entrance
Heavenly Flowers
Unlocks at Level: 472
Forgotten Warrior
Unlocks at Level: 472
Secret Entrance
Unlocks at Level: 472

Keepsake Collection*
CollItem394 - Flourishing Well
File:ItemWon394 - Mount Olympus.JPG
Flourishing Well Mount Olympus

* To complete the "Complete the Building a Well Collection" Quest, place the keepsake garden item, "Flourishing Well" in the garden after getting the Quest.
** The "Mount Olympus" is unlocked upon completion of the Quest, "Mythological Twist".

C394 Keepsakes Collection

Collection Name:

Building a Well


Trumpet Vine
Sweet Autumn Clematis
Chinese Wisteria


Flourishing Well


1. Beyond Calls
C394q01t C394q01r Travel to Riding In The Wilderness Time Loop
Match 12 details in Riding In The Wilderness Time Loop
2. To the Unknown
C394q02t C394q02r Place 4 Secret Entrance in the Garden
3. No Puns
C394q03t C394q03r Return to Let's Rock N Roll
Find 12 hidden objects in Let's Rock N Roll
4. Stepping into the Realm
C394q04t C394q04r Travel to Realm of Beautiful Flowers
Find 12 hidden objects in Realm of Beautiful Flowers
5. Blooming Heaven
C394q05t C394q05r Have 3 Heavenly Flowers in the Garden
Upgrade 1 Secret Entrance to Level 2
6. Uncalled For
C394q06t C394q06r Travel to Steps to Olympus Paradox
Find 6 differences in Steps to Olympus Paradox
7. Beautiful Gardens
C394q07t C394q07r Return to Greek Temple
Find 12 hidden objects in Greek Temple
8. Mythological Figures
C394q08t C394q08r Travel to Fountain of Youth Time Warp
Find 12 hidden objects in Fountain of Youth Time Warp
9. Roles Reversed
C394q09t C394q09r Travel to Message on Apple
Find 12 hidden objects in Message on Apple
10. Beautiful Beyond Words
C394q10t C394q10r Upgrade 1 Heavenly Flowers to Level 2
Upgrade 1 Secret Entrance to Level 3
11. Mythological Twist
C394q11t C394q11r Earn 18 total stars in Chapter 394 scenes
Have 1 Forgotten Warrior in the Garden
12. Complete Building a Well Set
C394q12t C394q12r Collect the Flourishing Well and place it in your Garden
13. Warrior's Pride
C394q13t C394q13r Upgrade 1 Forgotten Warrior to Level 2
Upgrade 1 Heavenly Flowers to Level 3
14. Veteran
C394q14t C394q14r Upgrade 1 Forgotten Warrior to Level 3
Upgrade 1 Forgotten Warrior to Level 5
15. Build the Mount Olympus
C394q15t C394q15r Complete the Mount Olympus Wonder
16. God's Dwelling
C394q16t C394q16r Upgrade the Mount Olympus to Level 2

2 Star Riding In The Wilderness Time Loop
C394q01xt C394q01xr Earn 2 stars in Riding In The Wilderness Time Loop
3 Star Realm of Beautiful Flowers
C394q04xt C394q04xr Earn 3 stars in Realm of Beautiful Flowers
3 Star Fountain of Youth Time Warp
C394q08xt C394q08xr Earn 3 stars in Fountain of Youth Time Warp
3 Star Message on Apple
C394q09xt C394q09xr Earn 3 stars in Message on Apple
5 Star Challenge
C394stars05t C394stars-r Earn 5 total stars in Chapter 394 scenes
11 Star Challenge
C394stars11t C394stars-r Earn 11 total stars in Chapter 394 scenes
14 Star Challenge
C394stars14t C394stars-r Earn 14 total stars in Chapter 394 scenes

Happy Ending
C394q17t C394q17r Travel to Romantic Afternoon
Find 12 hidden objects in Romantic Afternoon
3 Star for Romantic Afternoon
C394q17xt C394q17xr Earn 3 stars in Romantic Afternoon

Quest:Beyond Calls
Ch.394/S.1 - Riding In The Wilderness Time LoopC394s1
Avatar - Quincy - Left The Time Thieves strike again! This time, its in the Beyond!
Avatar - Quincy - Left Ugh, Beyond!
What's with the long face? Of, are we going to the Beyond. Avatar - Enrique - Right
Avatar - Quincy - Left Yeah, it's the Time Thieves. Or at least that's what I think it is!
Any more details about this mission? Avatar - Enrique - Right
Avatar - Quincy - Left So far no. The systems have detected a Timeline disruption.
Avatar - Quincy - Left Let us not waste another second and get going. Ooh, we are going to the Olympus Mountains!

Quest:No Puns
Ch.323/S.4 - Let's Rock N RollC323S004 - Let's Rock N Roll
Avatar - Enrique - Left Mount Olympus and disrupted Timeline? So, are we calling this mission "The Greek Tragedy"?
Avatar - Enrique - Left That was pun-intended!
You might have to keep your puns away on this one, Enrique! Avatar - Quincy - Right
Avatar - Enrique - Left Why now?
It's the Mount Olympus, Zeus resides here! You don't want to infuriate him, do you? Avatar - Quincy - Right
Avatar - Enrique - Left Come on, he is going to love my puns! What are you talking about?

Quest:Stepping into the Realm
Ch.394/S.2 - Realm of Beautiful FlowersC394s2
Avatar - Quincy - Left Ha! We have finally arrived! Let's find out whats been disturbing this beautiful realm!
Oh look, women! Hah, they are beautiful! Avatar - Enrique - Right
Quincy, I am going for a little walk, see you in a bit! Avatar - Enrique - Right
Avatar - Quincy - Left No, you can't do that, we are here on a serious mission remember?
Darn it! Alright, but as soon as we are done with this, I am spending some quality time with these beautiful women and going to tell them about my adventures! Avatar - Enrique - Right
Avatar - Quincy - Left More of that later, focus for now!
I seem to find no problem at all here, what about you? Avatar - Enrique - Right
Avatar - Quincy - Left Likewise, I don't understand why the system had notified that there is an issue here either!
Avatar - Quincy - Left Wait, their faces look a little familiar, don't they? I need Borgsworth's help!

Quest:Uncalled For
Ch.394/S.3 - Steps to Olympus ParadoxC394s3
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left Quincy called me? Must be about the Paradox!
Aha, Borgsworth, I have got the perfect job for you! Avatar - Quincy - Right
Can you scan these faces and tell me who they are? Avatar - Quincy - Right
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left Shouldn't be a problem, just give me-
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left Uh-oh, a Paradox!
Ok, that was uncalled for! Never expected a Paradox to show up! Avatar - Quincy - Right
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left Or... this might be a part of your plan?
I really did not expect the Paradox, Agent! This is just a coincidence! Avatar - Quincy - Right

Quest:Beautiful Gardens
Ch.5/S.4 - Greek TempleC005S004 - Greek Temple
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left I have run some analysis. Turns out the people we saw earlier were from the mythology.
From Greek Mythology? Fine, go on! Avatar - Quincy - Right
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left They are Acontius and Cydippe!
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left It was said that Acontius, a young man from an island known as Ceos fell in love with Cydippe head over heels!
But wait, I dont see any problem here, why did the systems detect an anomaly here when things are find! Avatar - Quincy - Right
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left I don't know, we are about to find out!
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left We should let things flow. As of now, we didn't find anything strange yet!

Quest:Mythological Figures
Ch.394/S.4 - Fountain of Youth Time WarpC394s4
Avatar - Quincy - Left OK, we will investigate a little further. But, if there isn't any issue, we are wasting our time here.
Avatar - Quincy - Left What happens next, Borgsworth?
When Anontius fell in love, he wrote a message on an apple. Wasn't a message actually, it was more like a little vow. Avatar - Borgsworth - Right
Avatar - Quincy - Left Ah, so when she read that, she is bound forever to that vow!
Yes, but... look, we have another guest! Avatar - Borgsworth - Right
Avatar - Quincy - Left OK. I am growing tired of this, how many more are we supposed to deal with?
I am telling you, something's not right here! Avatar - Borgsworth - Right
Avatar - Quincy - Left Where have the couple gone? We have to follow them to find out what's wrong!

Quest:Roles Reversed
Ch.394/S.5 - Message on AppleC394s5
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left Came to know that the couple were seen inside the temple. Lets go!
Where are they? Oh, there they are! Avatar - Quincy - Right
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left Yeah, I see them. But wait! Something's off!
I see it too, didn't you say that Acornius was giving an apple with an inscription to Cydippe? Avatar - Quincy - Right
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left Yes, but... now I see where the problem is!
So, the roles are reversed, but how do we fix it? Avatar - Quincy - Right
Avatar - Borgsworth - Left Solving the Paradox and Time Warp usually fixes the issue. If not, we are in trouble!