Gardens of Time Wiki
Gardens of Time Wiki
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Ch. 002 - Induction, Interrupted

Chapter: 2
Scene: 1
Title: Streets of Florence
Rep. to open: 1,470
Experience Points (XP) per scene: 300
C002S001 - Streets of Florence
Chapter: 2
Scene: 2
Title: Ancient Ship Paradox
Rep. to open: 2,160
Experience Points (XP) per scene: 350
C002S002 - Ancient Ship Paradox
Chapter: 2
Scene: 3
Title: London Nightclub
Rep. to open: 2,660
Experience Points (XP) per scene: 350
C002S003 - London Nightclub
Chapter: 2
Scene: 4
Title: London Groovy Flat
Rep. to open: 4,080
Experience Points (XP) per scene: 400
C002S004 - London Groovy Flat
Chapter: 2
Scene: 5
Title: Carnaby Street
Rep. to open: 5,400
Experience Points (XP) per scene: 450
C002S005 - Carnaby Street

ItemArt009 - Left Horus
ItemArt010 - Right Horus
ItemArt011 - Double Decker Bus
Left Horus
Unlocks at Level: 5
Right Horus
Unlocks at Level: 6
Double Decker Bus
Unlocks at Level: 6

ItemArt012 - Garden Patio
ItemArt013 - Tube Entrance
ItemArt015 - Gramophone
Garden Patio
Unlocks at Level: 7
Tube Entrance
Unlocks at Level: 7
Unlocks at Level: 8

ItemBui003 - Egypt Temple
ItemDec003 - Patch of Sand
ItemDec007 - Bench
Egypt Temple
Unlocks at Level: 4
Patch of Sand
Unlocks at Level: 2
Unlocks at Level: 2

ItemDec018 - Bird Bath
ItemDec019 - Ephedra
ItemDec023 - Egyptian Lamp
Bird Bath
Unlocks at Level: 4
Unlocks at Level: 5
Egyptian Lamp
Unlocks at Level: 6

ItemDec025 - Oasis
ItemDec117 - Lightpost
ItemPath003 - Cobblestone Road
Unlocks at Level: 6
Unlocks at Level: 34
Cobblestone Road
Unlocks at Level: Cobblestone Road (Path)

Keepsake Collection*
CollItem002 - Red Phone Booth
ItemWon002 - Royal Albert Hall
Red Phone Booth Royal Albert Hall

* There are no Quests associated with the Red Phone Booth collection.
** The "Royal Albert Hall" is unlocked upon completion of the Quest, "Victory Lap".

C2 Keepsakes Collection

Collection Name:

British Baubles


Tea Kettle
Stuffed Bear
Union Jack


Red Phone Booth


1. Partners in Time
C002Q001 - Partners in Time C002R001 - Partners in Time Travel to Streets of Florence
Find 12 hidden objects in Streets of Florence
2. Desert Oasis
C002Q002 - Desert Oasis C002R002 - Desert Oasis Place one Oasis in the Garden
Place 3 Ephedra Plants in the Garden
3. Being Neighborly
C002Q003 - Being Neighborly C002R003 - Being Neighborly Visit 3 neighbor Gardens
4. Build the Egyptian Temple
C002Q004 - Build the Egyptian Temple C002R004 - Build the Egyptian Temple Have one completed Egyptian Temple
5. Unlock Masterpiece Puzzles
C002Q005 - Unlock Masterpiece Puzzles File:C002R005 - Unlock Masterpiece Puzzles.JPG Gain Access to Masterpiece Puzzles.
6. Victorian Gardening 2
C002Q006 - Victorian Gardening 2 C002R006 - Victorian Gardening 2 Place 2 Benches in the Garden

Place 2 Lightposts in the Garden

Place 8 Cobblestone Roads
7. I'm on a Boat!
C002Q007 - I'm on a Boat! C002R007 - I'm on a Boat! Travel to Ancient Ship
Find 6 differences on the Ancient Ship
8. Blitz Challenge Round 1!
C002Q008 - Blitz Challenge Round 1! File:C002R008 - Blitz Challenge Round 1!.JPG Complete 3 Blitz scenes at neighbors’ Gardens
9. Guards of Horus
C002Q009 - Guards of Horus C002R009 - Guards of Horus Have a Left Horus in the Garden
Have a Right Horus in the Garden
10. Trial by Ire
C002Q010 - Trial by Ire C002R010 - Trial by Ire Return to Pyramid Shadows
Find 12 hidden objects in the Pyramid Shadows
11. Under London
C002Q011 - Under London C002R011 - Under London Have one Tube Entrance in the Garden
12. Back in the Drink
C002Q012 - Back in the Drink C002R012 - Back in the Drink Travel to the London Nightclub
Find 12 hidden objects in the London Nightclub
13. Victorian Gardening 3
C002Q013 - Victorian Gardening 3 C002R013 - Victorian Gardening 3 Have one Birdbath in the Garden
Have one Garden Patio in the Garden
14. An Appeal to Eleanor
C002Q014 - An Appeal to Eleanor C002R014 - An Appeal to Eleanor Return to Hourglass Study
Find 12 hidden items in Hourglass Study
15. Sandboxed
C002Q015 - Sandboxed C002R015 - Sandboxed Place 4 Patches of Sand in the Garden
Place 2 Egyptian Lamps in the Garden
16. Bus to the Future
C002Q016 - Bus to the Future C002R016 - Bus to the Future Complete one Double Decker Bus
Have over 4,000 Reputation
17. London Calling
C002Q017 - London Calling C002R017 - London Calling Travel to London Groovy Flat
Find 12 hidden objects in London Groovy Flat
18. Trial's End
C002Q018 - Trial's End File:C002R018 - Trial's End.JPG Travel to Carnaby Street
Find 12 hidden objects in Carnaby Street
19. Victory Lap
C002Q019 - Victory Lap C002R019 - Victory Lap Earn 13 stars from Chapter 2 Scenes

Place any 2 Decorations in the Garden

Have a Gramophone in the Garden
20. The Society Network
C002Q020 - The Society Network File:C002R020 - The Society Network.JPG Pay a visit to neighbor Gardens 10 times
21. Build Royal Albert Hall
C002Q021 - Build Royal Albert Hall C002R021 - Build Royal Albert Hall Complete the Royal Albert Hall Wonder
2 Star Streets of Florence
CH002 - 2 Star Streets of Florence CH002R - 2 Star Streets of Florence Earn 2 stars in Streets of Florence!
5 Star Challenge
CH002 - 5 Star Challenge CH002R - 5 Star Challenge Earn 5 total stars in Chapter 2 scenes
9 Star Challenge
CH002 - 9 Star Challenge CH002R - 9 Star Challenge Earn 9 total stars in Chapter 2 scenes
11 Star Challenge
CH002 - 11 Star Challenge CH002R - 11 Star Challenge Earn 11 total stars in Chapter 2 scenes

Quest:Partners in Time
Ch.2/S.1 - Streets of FlorenceC002S001 - Streets of Florence
Avatar - Megan - Left They sent me for you. You're the other new recruit, right? I'm Megan. Charmed, I'm sure. The Society needs us in Florence. Looks like we're going to be partners on this one.
So glad you both could make it! Welcome to the first trail of your induction into the Time Society! Avatar - Eleanor - Right
Avatar - Megan - Left What SORT of trials. Eleanor? I though we were both already members.
Er, well, that is to say, prior incidents kept us from making official. Avatar - Eleanor - Right
But proving yourselves in these trials will make you members before you know it! Avatar - Eleanor - Right
Avatar - Megan - Left Well, that was all a bit too easy, wasn't it? Silly Eleanor and her trials! Back to our Gardens we go...
Humph. That Megan certainly has a bit of an attitude on her. If she wants to join our Society, she'll need to straighten out. Avatar - Eleanor - Right

Quest:I'm on a Boat!
Ch.2/S.2 - Ancient Ship ParadoxC002S002 - Ancient Ship Paradox
Avatar - Alistair - Left Having fun yet? Your trails in the Time Society continue... in Ancient Greece... on a boat!
Avatar - Alistair - Left Here we are! Well, you two should get start-
Avatar - Alistair - Left Hang on, where's Megan?
Avatar - Alistair - Left You sort things here. I'll look for her.
Avatar - Alistair - Left Well, I managed to find Megan. She, *ahem*
Avatar - Alistair - Left Well, she *missed the boat", so to speak. *chuckle* Landed right in the drink instead.
Avatar - Alistair - Left Ahem, nothing to laugh about, of course. She's drying off at the moment. You should probably just head back to the Garden.
Megan did WHAT?! Oh my. I suppose that's one way to cool down, now isn't it? Still, not looking good for the poor little Miss... Avatar - Eleanor - Right

Quest:Trial by Ire
Ch.1/S.3 - Pyramid ShadowsC001S003 - Pyramid Shadows
Avatar - Megan - Left Thanks for nothing, partner. I thought we were supposed to have each other's backs in this. And when I fell in the bloody Aegean, where were you?! That's right. Nice and dry, doing your best show for our ringleaders. Well, on with it then. They're expecting us by the pyramids. But you're expecting been there before, haven't you?
Good to see you both could make it this time. Avatar - Eleanor - Right
Avatar - Megan - Left Oh, well isn't that rubbish! Only reason I missed our stupid assignment last time was because nobody warned me we were landing on a boat.
Megan, let's not act childish here. Just take care ot the task at hand. I'll be monitoring your progress. Avatar - Eleanor - Right
Avatar - Megan - Left Oh I bet you will.
Well done... both of you. Avatar - Eleanor - Right
Avatar - Megan - Left Now what is that supposed to imply? I did just as fine as your star pupil here.
It's not a race, Megan dear. Time IS on our side, after all. Avatar - Eleanor - Right
Avatar - Megan - Left Well, it's TIME I get going, then. Never did like Ancient Egypt.
*Sigh* Avatar - Eleanor - Right
That girl needs an attitude adjustment. In all my days I've never encountered such petulance! What ever will we do with her? Avatar - Eleanor - Right

Quest:Back in the Drink
Ch.2/S.3 - London NightclubC002S003 - London Nightclub
Avatar - Alistair - Left Your next trial awaits. We're off to a nightclub in 60's London. Megan's already gone ahead. You're doing wonderfully so far, but between you and me, this is Megan's last chance to prove herself.
*HICCUP* Well LOOK at you two. Can I get you something from the bar, or are you here to WORK, as ALWAYS? Avatar - Megan - Right
Avatar - Alistair - Left Megan, have you been drinking? This is hardly appropriate.
Oh HUSH Alistair. You're *HIC* giving me a SPLITTING headache. And I can STILL do my job, besides! Avatar - Megan - Right
Come along, PARTNER. Let's show stodgy ole *HIC* Alistair we've still GOT what it takes! Avatar - Megan - Right
You seeee, Alistair, luvey? I could *HICCUP* I could do this job with my HANDS closed, and my EYES tied around my back! Avatar - Megan - Right
Wait hang on that didn't sound quite right. Avatar - Megan - Right
Avatar - Alistair - Left I knew this was too much responsibility for a girl your age. Recommentations aside. I'm afraid you're not what the Society is looking for.
WHAT? Well, I-HUMPH! Avatar - Megan - Right
Avatar - Alistair - Left MEGAN! Blast it! We'll catch up to her later. Come along!
Just deplorable behavior. I suppose she now thinls we'll go after her. But I have no intentions of doing so. I hope she finds 1960s London to her liking. Avatar - Eleanor - Right

Quest:An Appeal to Eleanor
Ch.1/S.5 - Hourglass StudyC001S005 - Hourglass Study
Avatar - Alistair - Left Eleanor's refused to let us retrieve Megan. She's acting a bit unjust in all of this. Perhaps if we appealed to her sense of reason?
How can I help you both? Avatar - Eleanor - Right
Avatar - Alistair - Left It's Megan, Eleanor. Leaving her in the 1960s is a bit unfair, wouldn't you say?
The girl acted like an impudent child, and she's being treated like one. She is the one who ran off, after all. Avatar - Eleanor - Right
Now, are you going to help me clean my study, or simply question my decisions all day? Avatar - Eleanor - Right
Avatar - Alistair - Left Eleanor, I just feel we-
Alistair, if Megan wanted to come back, she would. Avatar - Eleanor - Right
She'd return to her Garden, we would formally remove her from our Society, and send her back to where and when she came from. It's that simple. Avatar - Eleanor - Right
Now, I have more important things to attend to. If you'd be so kind... Avatar - Eleanor - Right
Avatar - Alistair - Left Everyone deserves a second chance. I think Eleanor sees some of herself in Megan, which is why she's so hard on her. Not that that excuses Megan's behavior... But we should give Megan a chane to redeem herself. Let me see if I can find where she's gotten to...

Quest:London Calling
Ch.2/S.4 - London Groovy FlatC002S004 - London Groovy Flat
Avatar - Alistair - Left I think I've found Megan. She might be in a flat in downtown London. Eleanor still forbids us from intervening, which is why I'm not telling you to do so. ... But it wouldn't be terrible if Megan found her way back to us. And that's all I'll say.
I didn't expect to see YOU here. No Alistair or Eleanor to help keep me in line? Avatar - Megan - Right
Just you, then? Well, while you're here would you mind helping me with this? Avatar - Megan - Right
I suppose I was acting a bit out of line. That Eleanor just gets under my skin, though. And then the accident with the boat... Avatar - Megan - Right
I just haven't had much luck in the Time Society so far. Or here for that matter. 1960s England is very... strange place. Stranger than it was in my day. Avatar - Megan - Right
Would you mind if I come back with your? Maybe you can help me sort this mess out. Get me a second chance with the Society? Avatar - Megan - Right
Thank you, by the way. I nearly ruined something great, and you helped me see that. I just hope I can return the favor someday. Avatar - Megan - Right

Quest:Trail's End
Ch.2/S.5 - Carnaby StreetC002S005 - Carnaby Street
Avatar - Eleanor - Left I see Megan's returned. Something you did? Hardly matters now. She'll get the second chance she deserves. You, meanwhile, have an appointment at Carnaby Street.
Avatar - Eleanor - Left There's no place in all of England more unstuck in time than Carnaby Street. This will be your final trial.
Bring some order to this mess, and we'll make you an official Time Agent in the Society. Avatar - Alistair - Right
Best get going. No time like the present! Avatar - Alistair - Right
Avatar - Eleanor - Left Absolutely superb!
Splendidly marvelous! Avatar - Alistair - Right
Avatar - Megan - Left Positively Stellar!
We're all most impressed! Let's head back to your Garden and make this official, shal we? Avatar - Alistair - Right
You've completed the Society's trials! Without further ado, we hereby induct you into the Time Society as our newest TIME AGENT! Congratulations! Keep up the marvelous work! Avatar - Alistair - Right